Can I edit in bulk Object Instances via Action?

My users need to edit one field across multiple objects instances, with as less click as possible as they need to do that often. I would like to have one action that edits N objects instances and change the value of one (or multiple) properties for all those objects in one go.

How can I achieve that ?

Assuming you have an action that takes 2 parameters:

  • One object reference (the object to edit)
  • One parameter (the value to overwrite the properties with)

You can bulk edit objects by

  • toggling on the “allow multiple values” on the Object Reference.
  • OR selecting “Object Set” as a type for the parameter

To clarify the difference between those “Type” of parameters :

  • An Object reference is one object instance
  • An Object reference with “allow multiple values” is an array of Object References
  • an Object Set is a single reference to a “given set of object”. As a general comment, Object Sets are more efficient at high scales.

At time of writing, you can edit 10k objects instances at maximum in one submission, documented here.

Note bis: if other variables (e.g. the default value of the parameter to overwrite) were dependent on this object reference, you might need to edit them accordingly.