Does automation wait for previous effect to finish?


In palantir automation, when the trigger is “object added to set” and you have two objects added 5 seconds apart from each other but the effect takes 10 seconds each to process, does the second effect wait for the first to finish before starting?

My effect (an ontology action which calls a code repo function) in this case only takes a single object so palantir is showing me:

The action will execute once for each <object name> since the action uses a single affected object or property reference parameter.

Execution mode is set to Execute once for each <object name> added

if not, is there a way to force this sequential processing?

I ran some tests. Good news. Automation maintains order and executes job sequentially, waiting for the previous one to finish

I created two jobs a few seconds after each other and added a 20 second sleep to the consume job to make it artificially long.

Job1 completed at :50 and job2 completed at job2 started at :51

Note: I don’t believe this in-order guarantee would follow for second-order effects (an automation triggers another, disconnected, automation)