It seems like there is no way in UI to delete AIP logic function (similar to the Delete Function button in code repository for FoO), but is there at least a way to do it through an API call?
A lot of people in our organization are playing with AIP logic, leaving behind a lot of test/sandbox instances which clutters our Foundry instance.
Currently there is no interactive way to do so, but one can hit the REST endpoint with a DELETE to ${FOUNDRY_URL}/function-registry/api/functions/${rid}, where rid is the function rid in the format “ri.function-registry.main.function.${uuid}”, which can be found in Ontology Manager->Functions section.
Update on this, we have recently added a way to un-publish AIP Logic functions:
Just head to publish settings and in the “Function configuration” you will have the option to change the function visibility (so it no longer shows up in function pickers in the rest of the platform) or to delete the published function.