Importing Functions in Typescript Repo


I have added an AIP Logic function into my Typescript Repository on the left

I would like to use it but I am not sure how to import it like you would Objects.

Because Objects we do: " import {CompleteData} from “@foundry/ontology-api”

However I am not sure where I import my function from, as my function doesn’t exist in “@foundry/ontology-api”

Kind Regards

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In the example in the docs you can see that you need to import Queries and then use Queries.myQueryApiName.

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And this can be done in python functions too, see these docs.

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And if you are using an older repository, you may need to enable queries in the json file by flipping that feature to true

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Thank you, This was what I was looking for but couldn’t find documentation and AIP Assist wasn’t helping.

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