Right clicking on a table to open overlay

Hello! I have an object table. If you select an object in the table, it opens an embedded module that displays said object. However, I’ve configured right-click actions so that if you right click on a selected object, it opens an overlay.

The problem is, in order to right click and open the overlay, the object first has to selected, which automatically opens the embedded display module. So I need to first close the module and only then right click on the object to open the overlay.

I was wondering if anyone knew of a less burdensome way to do this. Ideally I could just mouse over an object in the table to be able to right click it.

A couple suggestions:
Rather than having the action to open the module occur on selection, you could have a button that does this, allowing the select to occur and then the user can either right click or click the button. Alternatively, you could add the module open as an additional action in the right click menu.

I’ll try that, thanks very much!