Saved Exploration list improvement

User’s need: Low
Developer’s need: High

Is it possible in object explorer after saving a list to have that list automatically populated based on one or multiple parameters from that object.

I have an object containing 2 parts, one fixed that I don’t want to look at and another one flexible created by a user action in one of my Workshop.
I’m then using the object explorer saved list to check all the newly created objects and having tee possibility to use action on them.

The problem is the list is fixed (or I don’t how to update it) based on the first time I made it.

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I faced the same need and I worked around that I can share here.

I created in the backing dataset’s code a column/property called “topic reviewed” that is always FALSE. Then I created an action “edit topic reviewed” to switch this value to TRUE. Finally, instead of using a SAVED LIST I use a SAVED EXPLORATION that filter on “topic reviewed” = FALSE to display all new topics.



very helpful, thank you very much, I’ll be able to implement that.