Sort of a niche question, but I’m having trouble getting state saving with the object selector widget to work.
I enabled state saving for my Selected objects variable, but it keeps defaulting back to my Default selection variable.
Sort of a niche question, but I’m having trouble getting state saving with the object selector widget to work.
I enabled state saving for my Selected objects variable, but it keeps defaulting back to my Default selection variable.
Here are some screenshots… no matter what I do the state saving doesn’t work
It always reverts back to my “all subteam groups minus palantir” object set
In one of my Workshop, I’m also using object selector and state saving but on my side it is working perfectly.
A first option would be to create a typescript function and set up the default to be from your actual variable and if the selected variable is different from your default then you use the user selection from the selected variable. That way you would only have to save the selected as external variable
A second option I tried separately was to define the default variable being also the selected one and that way after using the state saving it is working.
So I would suggest if you don’t have any difference as a depend variable between the selected and the default one to use the second option otherwise you can use the first option.