About the translation function

Are there any plans to implement a translation function for the content listed below?

Filter list Filter names
Button group Text
Object table Column Names (header items)
String selector Selector option
Map Legend label

・Filter list Filter names
・Button group Text
・Object table Column Names (header items)
・String selector Selector option
・Map Legend label

If there are no plans to implement it, is there a way to translate the content?
I was wondering if it would be possible to get the account’s language settings, create a variable to switch the string depending on the language, and translate content that does not have a translation function implemented.Is that possible?
(In the first place, is it possible to obtain the account language setting?)

Hey @nn1109,

You can define translations in Workshop using the translations feature. See the translatable content section for what content is translatable in Workshop. Out of what you listed, the only content not supported at the moment is the map legend label.

Thank you for your reply. I’ll check it out