Adding Time Series IDs in a Typescript Repo

I have an object with time series properties that are defined in the capabilities section of the object (read: no linked sensor objects).

In order to support this, I have several columns defined on my object that define the series id for that instance of the object. In other words, if my object was a person with a unique ID (1234) and I was tracking their height and weight over time, I would have one series id column defined as height_1234 and another as weight_1234.

Some of my subscriber objects are defined via data transformations in python, but others are created through Typescript actions. The issue I’m running into when building the subscriber in Typescript is that I can’t assign a string (my series ID) to a Numeric Time Series property.

All of the suggestions from AIP ultimately fail, with attempts to import a couple of different packages all failing (i.e. import { NumericTimeSeries } from “@foundry/time-series”). What’s the solution for this?

Editing the property value of a time series property in typescript functions (function backed actions) is currently not supported.
We are working on this feature and will reach out when it is supported!