Aesthetically Pleasing Workshops/Slates

Hey All,

Hope everyone is well. I am looking for some examples of some really good UI Designed Workshops/Slates. I am interested to see what is possible in workshops, as I have been struggling to get the UI up to par with other software applications. If anyone has some cool examples, please could you share!

Thanks All!

You can install examples for such applications directly in Foundry, by accessing “Build with AIP” application and install this example from it, which presents " Configure layouts for optimal visual impact in Workshop".

You also have a “Workshop Design Hub” that you can install from Marketplace in Foundry, which will give you a set of examples to start or get inspiration from !

Unfortunately cannot share customer/internally built applications with sensitive, however with Slate you can write custom HTML and CSS, allowing you to customise your application to look exactly as you’d like. You can also use external JS/CSS libraries within the Code Sandbox widget.

This does requiring having some coding skills to write the HTML/CSS, but the end result can be worth it for some workflows!

Another options if you find the ease-of-use of Workshop appealing, is to embed Slate applications with more custom designs for things like Tables/Graphs if what is provided by Workshop is not customisable enough.

I’d also like to point you to Blueprint, a react-based UI toolkit open-sourced by Palantir.

If you decide to embed custom Slate pages in your Workshop app, you can use Blueprint in your Slate app to give it a more cohesive feel.

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