AIP Logic - Set Conditional Block output when output type is a struct


I have an AIP Logic where, first step is get a boolean to determine if we have to run an LLM.

I then will add a conditional block where, if the above boolean is true, run an LLM that will return a struct of the following format:

If the above boolean is false, I want to return an empty struct.

The issue is, I need to configure the ‘default’ case, but there is no ability to initialize an empty struct to get this to run:

Please let me know what best practices should be here when using this conditionally logic where, if the condition fails, I don’t want anything to be run.

I just had a similar problem which I solved by first running a standalone AIP logic that would modify a Boolean property on each object, signifying whether that object should be run through the second LLM step or not.

Then I used a TS function to search for all my objects that had that property set to True and fed that object set into a second AIP logic function that would do the parsing/struct step.

You can use the “Create stuct column” block to provide a default value in a conditional:

This will be integrated as a ‘struct’ option to create variable soon as I image this will continue to trip people up.


Thanks for the reply - turns out I had some other misconfigurations in my Use LLM blocks which prevented my from selecting “Take no action” (which I’d prefer to returning an empty struct), but Creating a struct column also appears to solve this issue.