AIPCon - Demo Expo

Welcome to the AIPCon Demo Expo Community Forum.

During the Demo Expo, customers presented applications they have built with Foundry & AIP through short demos.

This forum is designed to serve as a platform for further discussion, knowledge sharing, and collaboration centered around those demo, which include:

→ Charter Steel
→ Cleveland Clinic
→ Cone Health
→ Edgescale AI
→ Foxtrot + Aniko
→ Kinder Morgan
→ Northslope + Shift4
→ Fujitso
→ Wendy’s QSCC
→ Trios Health

Use this thread to dive deeper into these demos, share your thoughts and challenges with others in the community. By sharing your experiences, you’ll contribute to the collective growth of the Palantir community, and discover insights and best practices to refine your own approach.

Please note that this forum is public. Keep in mind that your comments can be read by individuals from other organizations, and so please limit sharing of any company-sensitive information or data.

Now, feel free to dive into the conversation below!