Allow copy/paste of sections

It could be very useful to allow copy/paste of sections (containers) and even better to be able to copy/paste a tree of containers and widgets.

Use case is that when I desgin a workshop I often have several part of my application that are similare.

For widgets that are not a section I often use the “Raw widget configuration” in metadata setting panel or copy/past button but this is not possible for Section and I spend time to configure them exactly with the same layout, padding, …

With a section selected, there are copy/paste buttons in the right side of the top actions bar. These should work for sections and widgets, and will also let you copy/paste across modules.

This may be a slightly better way to copy/paste widgets as well since Workshop will create new widget output variables for you, and offer an option to re-use, or create new input variables.

The tree of variables backing any widgets in the section should also be copied as well when you copy/paste sections.

One other note is that you could look into using the “Workshop: Embedded Module” widget, if you want to re-use a piece of Workshop configuration in several places.

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