Allow Math Operations to prefill from User Inputs


I’m a user with very limited experience coding. The #1 roadblock I keep hitting is creating an action that requires some fields to be a math operation of 1 or 2 other user inputs in the action form. For example I had to create a function last week because I couldn’t prefill this math formula in the form’s default value on an action.


If it was possible to do this through the ontology manager our team could build app much faster and edits would be easier to make with branches

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In workshop - Try using two numeric inputs widgets that stores the values in the output variables (“num1-output” and “num2-output” for example). I can’t reach my stack right now, but I think that you can create a new variable that does the math on “num1-output” and “num2-output” and stores it in “num_after_math”. Then you put the “num_after_math” as input to your action form. If you desire you can either hide or disable the value input in the action form.

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True, you could mimic this in Workshop. However, I agree with @Nick_Mainella that it would be great to define this directly in the Ontology Manager. I could also imagine to have this in the conditional overwrites section.
It would also be great to evaluate the content of each field by a function (FoO) to then overwrite it by another function / formula given a certain condition.

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Had the same issue! I couldn’t use Workshop variables either because the action was being used for inline edits. My coworker and I spent an afternoon setting up three function-backed actions just to auto-sum several columns into a “Totals” column.

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