Best Practices for Workshop/Forms in Different Languages

We are currently supporting Spanish and English speaking populations for our forms. I know that Foundry supports Workshop in different languages but was hoping to get recommendations on doing things like changing a form field to support English and Spanish when we are configuring things like widget/field labels. My goal is to avoid doubling our upkeep through two completely separate forms. Is that possible? What are best practices with respect to this?

The relatively new Translations feature of Workshop should provide all that you need to achieve a single input form whose labels change between English and Spanish depending upon the user’s locale setting. I believe that you will need to use Text Input widgets, etc. instead of an Action Form, but it should be straightforward to wire the output variables from whichever widgets you use into Action default parameters and trigger the Action via a button in a Button Group widget. The button’s Action settings should have the “Hide form and apply immediately if valid” option enabled.