Hello, I would like to suggest an improvement to check if a string property is empty in workshop.
My use case is that I want to hide/show a section (or button) when one string property of my object is empty. To do so I need a boolean variable transformation that answer the question “is the string property X is empty”. I think many workshop builder would like to have an easy way to do that.
Today I’m using a function to perform this basic computation.
Maybe, this improvment can be relevant on other Types (empty date, empty Integer, empty array, …)
Hey @gdf this should be possible using a variable transform, you will need to chain two of them together though.
If you add a new variable > Boolean > Variable transformation, and then use the following transforms:
Under “Object set transforms” select “Object property”, then select the object and the string property
Under “Boolean comparison” select “Is null”, then select the reference to the previous transform. It should be evaluating if the object string property you selected in the first transform is null or not and output a boolean.
It should be very possible to do this without a function (and much faster using variable transforms)! This should apply to other types too, Let me know if this works for you or if you have any additional questions.