Calling Live Financial Data updates from Workshop

I am trying to implement a feature where updated financial data is fetched when a user selects a stock from my dataset. In Python, this would be relatively straightforward—passing the “Active Stock” object’s ticker symbol into a script, calling a library like yfinance, and updating details like market cap, current price, etc.

However, I’m looking to integrate this functionality into Palantir’s AIP platform. I tried setting up a REST API for financial data retrieval, but I haven’t had any success, and I’m struggling to find a working alternative or example similar.

Any help would be great. Thank you.

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Great question! There are 2 options:

  1. Create a dataset that contains all data
  • Implement the REST API calls in Python via external transforms. This way you can create a dataset with the stocks
  • Create an object set in OMA from that dataset
  • Use Workshop for the UI
  1. Implement a webhook in actions (OMA) to call the API from Workshop (documentation:

Let me know if you need more details!

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Thank you for your reply Mai, that’s a real help!

Have you tried using compute modules?

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(post deleted by author)

Hi Shai,

Thanks for your reply, I implemented compute modules for the API call into my application and unfortunatley really slowed down alot of processing for the page as alot was dependent on said data. So for my demonstration I have decided to go with static data with the understanding that an account with a higher developer tier would have faster compute power if the project was be taken on.