Are there options/triggers/parameters we can use to allow Load Balanced servers for Oracle JDBC connector? For now, we’re connecting individually, I didn’t see anything in the documentation providing more detail but figured it’s worth an ask!
Some additional context is they have two load balanced servers and are mostly interested in being able to “hot-swap” between the two if there’s a disruption on one with a single connection rather than having separate connections.
If your database supports transparent load balancing, you can use the JDBC protocol source with the appropriate driver and freely set whatever parameters you need to enable load balancing. You can also configure multiple egress policies on the source if you’re on a direct connection.
If your database doesn’t support transparent load balancing and you need to manually balance requests across different instances (with different JDBC URLs), then this is not something a data connection sync supports. You can write an external transform for this logic.
If this doesn’t answer your question, could you please provide more information about your load-balanced setup?