I want to highlight to my users that an object’s property has been overwritten (via an Action), and that value now differs from the original backing dataset.
Is there a way to do this? I tried looking at some conditional formatting references but couldn’t figure out how to model it.
Do you want to specifically change the color for a particular property or does any sort of indication work? You can for example use the edit history widget in workshop if the user is fine with a list of past edits.
You could also have a column with the original value and potentially do conditional formatting based on a comparison between the old original value and the “live” value
Hey @helenq - appreciate the creativity in your responses.
I’m aware of the edit history, it’s good, but doesn’t “at a glance” indicate to the user the my system (Foundry) may differ for a “source of truth” (the raw input connection’s data).
You second idea is clever, but does not scale well to many (or potentially all) properties of an object. It’s just not practical to have read/write columns. Is some ways it almost defeats the purpose of having an integrated “writeback” system.
Other idea(s):
Feature Request: Make edit history available to use in conditional formatting.
Creative idea: Right now, it appears that conditional column formatting can only reference properties on that object, and not linked objects. Using that as a constraint, could I reference a value in struct? Basically my idea is to collapse your “multiple column” idea into one.