Can I share a third-party application?

Hello all !

I do not have the access rights to create a third-party application.
My colleage do have theses rights but for security reasons don’t want to grant them.

I would like to now if he can share with me his own third-party applicaction ?
I did not find anything on the documentation. He can have access to his side but I cannot see it from my side

Thank you !

If you use Developer console and go to the sharing & tokens he can add you to the Share application section with either editor or viewer permission so you can view and use the Dev console application he created.

I guess you do need application access to the developer console. However, there is a separate role required for actually creating third party applications. So access to the developer console and granted rights on the respective application should work.

Yes, this should be possible under this menu item in the developer console itself:

I wonder if you would need application access, though… I’d be interested if this worked for you.

Hello guys,

Thank you very much for your answers, it worked !