Can I use "objects in batch" in the body of an Automate notification?

I need to send out notifications 24 hours before an action must be complete. In the batch history, I can see “objects in batch” that met the criteria for that notification. Can I surface that object(s) to the user in the notification so that they immediately know what triggered the notification?

Yes, you can surface the object(s) that triggered the notification to the user. When batched execution is selected for an automation, the effect input exposed will be an object set that contains all objects that triggered the automation. This means you can include details from these objects in the notification sent to the user, allowing them to immediately know what triggered the notification. This is particularly useful when multiple objects trigger the object set condition at the same time, as the batched execution mode ensures the notification effect is executed once with an input containing all triggering objects. explains execution modes explains how you can input all the affected objects into a function-backed notification