Can you turn an RV back into a dataset?

I have a use case where an Object Type is backed by an RV and has edits applied. I want to be able to use the export of that dataset further into another pipeline to make some calculations.

The problem is that the exported data from the Object Type is also and RV and I can’t use it in Pipeline Builder or Code Repository (or maybe you can? but I haven’t found any public docs on this).

Can I turn that RV back into a usable dataset within the pipeline, or can I export the object type as a non-RV?

Hey @ajalba ! RVs themselves cannot be converted back into datasets or used in pipelines, as the row level permissions would not then be defined. However, it is possible to create dataset materialisations from object types that are backed by RVs, as long as they obey the same markings as any backing datasets. This doesn’t need to interfere with the existing RV materialisations as objects can have both RV and dataset materialisations simultaneously.

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Hey @ggarber , thanks for the reply. I can’t see this option when I try to create the materialisation for OSv2 object types, but I can see it for datasets. Is there something wrong I’m doing?

Looks like this is a permissions issue. If you are an owner of project where the RV is saved, you get the export as a dataset option, otherwise, the only option is to export the RV as an RV.

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