Can't fillter dataset by Japanese in pipeline

In Pipeline Builder, we can review a dataset by clicking node.
When we click a column, we can chose the action from popuped menu.
After chosing “filter” , there is a input field to input keyword.
However if we input Japanese key, input field is disapeared soon.
So we can’t use filter in Japanese.
As countermeasure, we write keyword in notepad and copy&paste to input field.
But it is not useful for us. We hope inprovement.
It is difficult to add my situation’s image due to our security, Sorry for inconvenient.

Thank you

Hi Orita,

I work with japanese data, and haven’t been able to replicate your issue.

Just out of curiosity, have you tried a different input method in your Operating System?

If you are copy/pasting the text in - and pulling it through Notepad works - it might be a formatting issue. Try to see if you can paste it without formatting pressing CMD + SHIFT + V (Mac) or CTRL + SHIFT + V (Windows).


Hi, jakehop
Thank you for your reply and sorry for late my reply.

I tried paset without formatting, then it is OK to past. We use Windows 11 Pro.
However we can’t input Japanese into input field directly.
It is not useful.
So I was surprised at your situation(no replicate in your enviroment).

Thank you!