Choosing embedded module version (instead of only the published one)

I use the embedded module component a lot, and when I want to test it inside the parent one, I am only able to use the published version of the child module. It would be much easier to choose the module’s version for testing different cases (just like how we use typescript functions), instead of setting default values or overriding module interface variables inside the embedded module, which is not very friendly when you want to test multiple input cases for each variable.

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Hi Idan,

Thanks for submitting this feature request! We’ve already had a few Palantir engineers raise this idea as well, so I’ll add your +1 to the internal ticket where we’re tracking this for future prioritization.

Relatedly, Foundry branching is a feature that just hit closed beta and allows builders to safely modify Pipeline Builder transforms, Ontology Manager configuration, and Workshop module setup on a siloed branch. Among other things, branching provides a means of testing changes to an embedded module without needing to publish a new version of that embedded module on main. More information on the branching beta can be found over here:
