I’ve got an object and within that object it has a location property thats a string. I’ve used an LLM to generate a string which maps the location to a geohash (I understand this isn’t the best way of doing it, but it serves the purpose of my application ) which would be 16 characters long, however AIP Logic doesn’t allow conversion between strings and the geohash property. What would be the best workaround for this?
Great question! Assuming you want to keep your LLM generation the same, one approach could be to first extract the longitude and latitude from the string. Then, you could convert the extracted values into a GeoPoint object, which should work well with your map and allow for a more seamless conversion. Once in GeoPoint format, it might be easier to integrate with AIP Logic.
Faced the same issue since I was working with geopoint and geohash data! I believe AIP Logic doesn’t allow direct conversion between strings and the geohash property, a potential workaround is to store the generated geohash string in a temporary string property and then use a transformation pipeline or custom script to convert it to a geohash type before saving it to the geohash property. Let me know if this helps!
For the logic - it might help to preprocess the geohash as a numeric or text field, I think geohashes can also be represented as a numeric form which might help with the AIP logic converting the string into its numeric value