"Create Links" Action vs. Modify Action to establish links between objects

What are the trade offs between:
Option 1: “Creating a Link” between objects via a Create Link(s) Action.
Option 2: Setting the foreign keys that establish that link via a Modify Action.

I think I would only use Option 1 in a M:M scenario, since I can’t use Option 2 in that case. In fact, I would probably even attempt to create an Object in the ontology to work as a join table that I would then edit with actions, but that would probably break a of functionality you get with the M:M link…

I think you’re right. I have never used the Option 1 except for M:M scenarii. And the downside of Option 1 is that this does not support GPS (Restricted views) for the dataset backing the link. Which is annoying when you have RVs on both linked objects. In that case, you would need to hash the primary keys of both objects so that at least, you only surfaced hashed values to users. But still not ideal.