Create snapshot of dataset on click of a button


I am trying to build a workflow where on the click of a button in workshop, it triggers a snapshot build of a dataset at that time. I need the snapshot to only be able to build from clicking the button, not allowing it to be built manually through the platform.

How can I create this functionality?

Hi @JohnR73. One simple way we used in the past was the following:

  • you have one helper object type „snapshot request“ in your workshop app you just create a new object on your button click
  • You set this object type to be materializing
  • you set the trigger of the schedule for your incremental snapshot to when upstream data changes (your materialized snapshot request)

This might not kick-off your pipeline in the exact moment of the button click, but maybe within a few minutes.

There might also be smarter ways through webhooks or such, but above is simple to implement.

Hope that helps!