Dynamic Columns in a Workshop

Is there a way to define a dynamic name for a column name in an Object Table in workshop? I’m wondering if function-backed columns would potentially be the path here? The goal would be that rather than having a property displayed as quantity_current, quantity_last_year, quantity_yearminus2, we would instead display quantity_2024, quantity_2023, quantity_2022. Ideally without having the need to manually change the static title every year as the underlying data will always be reported in current, last, yearminus2. Essentially looking for a way to do something like this::

property is named quantity_<DATEPART(‘year’, TODAY())> with the datepart and Today functions running and finding the yar of the current date. And the other columns would be quantity_<DatePart(‘year’),Today())-1> etc. With DatePART and TODAY firing to keep the property names current.

I don’t think this is currently possible using object table. You may be able to get what you need out of a pivot table, though?

AFAIK, column names in object table are defined by the config stored in the Workshop json and do not depend on any information loaded from the ontology.

This is why you have to define an output interface type for functions that return multiple columns, so that you can configure the columns on object table without needing to run the function.