I am trying to read a dataset using Pyspark in Jupyter Workspace but getting Py4Java error.
I have installed openjdk(conda), pyspark(py-pi) and java-jdk library still the issue persists.
I am trying to read a dataset using Pyspark in Jupyter Workspace but getting Py4Java error.
I have installed openjdk(conda), pyspark(py-pi) and java-jdk library still the issue persists.
Hi pratyush335,
Wanted to confirm first, have you installed openjdk and pyspark from conda and pypi, respectively? Per this documentation: https://www.palantir.com/docs/foundry/code-workspaces/code-workspaces-faq#can-i-use-pyspark-in-code-workspaces
So, I installed openjdk from conda and had installed pyspark also from conda. Have uninstalled and reinstalled it from py-pi. Tried re-running the code but the issue persists.
The solution lies in installing the correct version of the libraries:
If you follow the documentation;
However, if you don’t install openjdk and install java-jdk instead;
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