I am having difficulty working with Time Series Properties in either a Python or TypeScript FOOs Repository environment, where I seek too:
- Retrieve all points from the property for further use
- Apply transformation to the datatype returned in (1) and restructure to interface with Workshop on the front-end.
I currently have a ontology object that possesses a tsp attribute, in which I seek to retrieve all of the key:value pairs visible in the associated Time Series Sync.
From here, I want to apply additional computation to generate ACF & PACF values, then transformation this derived data into the TwoDimesionalAggregation datatype that the Chary XY widget in Workshop can display visually.
I am in communication with my enrollments client support team, whom have recommended I make use of the OSDK & Developer Console. But unfortunately the later is currently disabled on the Foundry enrollment I am working within.
I have achieved minimally what I desire in a TypeScript FOO Repo, by way of synthetic value generation. However the specific computation component here pushed me towards Python.
public async generateSyntethicACF(): Promise<TwoDimensionalAggregation<string>> {
const buckets = Array.from({ length: 52 }, (_, i) => ({
key: (i + 1).toString(),
value: Math.ransom() * 2 - 1
return { buckets: buckets };
Looking for guidance from anyone who has achieved something similar on platform.