Are there descriptions or examples for the different user attribute options available in restricted view policies? For instance what is the difference between “Group ID” vs “Authorized Group ID” or “Marking ID” vs “Organization Marking ID”?
The different concepts (Groups, Organizations, Markings) are explained here and the following sections.
“Authorized Group IDs” are most likely not revelant for you and are used for very specific Scoped session use cases, so you can ignore those.
Its possible to be member of a group but open a scoped session where this group is not applied anymore.
You can find documentation on this here.
Thanks @ecitaku.
Just to clarify the difference between “Marking IDs” and “Organization Marking IDs” - If I have an Organizations’ marking ID, (e.g. aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee) in a column, will the normal “Marking IDs” option work or will I need to explicitly select “Organization Marking ID”?