Explore the AIP Community Registry, and start contributing today

Announcing the newest initiative to Build with AIP, the AIP Community Registry.

Our new Open Source registry is a collection of community-built SDKs, tutorials and workflows. Make use of the current catalog for practical implementation and integration patterns and deploy them directly to your Foundry stack.

You can also contribute your own AIP builds to the Community Registry by following the steps here.

Explore some registry contributions below, contributed by talented developers from across the Community, including DevCon winning applications, personal projects, and new product tutorials.

Demo Contribution Contributed By
OSDK ‘Hello World’ Project A tutorial for using Python to take data from your Ontology and bring into a local Jupyter Lab notebook through the OSDK :ballot_box: Justin Langfan
Compute Module ‘Hello World’ Project A tutorial for using Compute Modules to take your organizations codebase and bring it into Foundry :floppy_disk: Justin Langfan
Tailbook An Ontology SDK to monitor global whale sightings and migrating patterns :whale2: Christopher Knight
MetroCycle A software platform designed to manage key operations for a bike hire start-up :bike: Peter Vigneux
Expense Reporting A mobile app SDK developed to allow for corporate expense tracking :receipt: Ian Ferre
Python Functions for parsing PDF Files with Tesseract OCR A guide for converting PDF pages into images and extracting text using OCR with Tesseract :page_facing_up: Andrei Rukavina
Meal Planning A Computer Vision enabled SDK to photos of your fridge into recipes :plate_with_cutlery: Shivam Bansal
Renovation Planner A project management app SDK to oversee and assist home renovations :house_with_garden: Nicholas Watson
Foundry for Tunes A music streaming platform that allows users to upload music and create playlists :musical_note: Jacob Smith
Trip Planner A logistics app SDK to plan trips by producing bespoke LLM-derived itineraries, centralize key documentation, and manage schedules :blue_car: Ishan Dwivedi
Personal Finances! A financial app SDK offering customizable transaction, subscription and budgeting views for personal expenses :credit_card: Ryan Pregitzer
Peak Explorer A mobile app SDK to visualise nearby mountains, report conditions, see summarized reviews and track your ascents :mountain_snow: George Cooper
Fashion Assistant A Computer Vision enabled SDK to suggest outfits by considering your current wardrobe contents, weather and personal preferences :necktie: Alexandre Calais
OSDK Widget in Foundry A tutorial for creating a custom widget in Workshop for third party libraries or other bespoke requirements :framed_picture: Matthew Steele
Geocoding with Nominatim A production ready package to geocode addresses in bulk and realtime using Nominatim and Compute Modules :earth_africa: Joseph Chotard

AIP Community Registry: palantir/aip-community-registry.

Palantir for Developers: palantir.com/developers/

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