So I had a previous many to many relationship (that i’ve since deleted) but my build is still referencing it somehow and failing, but I can’t figure out where to investigate more logs based on the error id c825e27b-1402-4d5f-a1ab-6e8067e2ddd
Where can I go with that id to investigate? It does not look like an RID, which I also know you can just query for, but don’t know where if anyone can share that answer too
Ultimately I want to kill any reference to the many-to-many as I no longer need it
And from the network tab
"status": {
"targetIds": [
"error": {
"errorInstanceId": "a74319ea-8ec2-473c-ac67-e73da619da71",
"errorName": "OntologyMetadata:ManyToManyLinkTypePrimaryKeyMismatch",
"__typename": "OntologyPublishTaskError_Generic"
"__typename": "EddieOntologyPublishTaskStatus_Failed"
"__typename": "EddieSandboxDeploymentTask_OntologyPublish"