Filenames from Media Uploader Widget

Hello Developer Community,

This is my first time using the Developer Community.

I’ve implemented a feature using the Workshop’s Media Uploader widget to upload Excel files to a Dataset. Upon checking the uploaded filenames, I noticed a 13-digit numerical prefix. Is my understanding correct that this 13-digit number represents a UNIX timestamp?

Furthermore, is there a possibility of this 13-digit prefix changing in future specifications?

Example Filename:

Hello! Yes, this represents a UNIX timestamp. We don’t have concrete plans to change or remove it at the moment as we have to ensure that each filename is unique.

However, we’d love to know whether there is something that you would prefer or if you’re having issues with the timestamp being prefixed?


Hi, thanks for the quick reply! A 13-digit numerical prefix will be perfect for identifying our latest uploads. Using a UNIX timestamp sounds good, so we’ll move forward with development.


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