Generate report with Orgs, Spaces and project names, tags...etc for excel

Hello, Im currently working on trying to generate an external excel file where I would like to list the columns “Org”, “Space”, “project”, “tags” and as many relevant information as possible on a project level for some admin work, I don’t see any API endpoint I can use for doing something like that, any idea?

There isn’t currently a first-class way to export this from the platform but there are some unsupported APIs you can use if needed. You can get the information for every compass resource on the stack with:

GET https://[mystack][n]&pageToken=[xyz]

Like all the paged APIs, you’ll receive the nextPageToken in each response which you can use to iterate through the pages.

Once you have the response from this you could use pipeline builder to parse the JSON into a dataset which can then be exported into excel as a CSV. If you want to run this API call from inside Foundry then you’d need to do an external transform and set up the right egress policies etc.

Again please note that this is not a ‘supported’ API designed for use directly by customers, so may change at some point without notice. However, if you just need one a one-off or period export it might solve your problem!

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