Getting Window Time for Tumbling Event Time Window

When configuring a Tumbling event time window in the Aggregate over window board in pipeline builder, how can I output the “window time” for rows?

Example, if I set up a 1 hour distinct count aggregation, I want to know which hour the outputted counts correspond to.

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I believe that currently there is no way to output the window time as specified. One way to easily tell what hour it is a part of is by adding a current timestamp transform right south of your aggregate over window transform though would that work?

Thank you @svercillo Doesn’t the window use event time, not processing time? I don’t think the current timestamp would tell me anything

Sorry I did not get notified for this reply. My solution will give you the processing time hour a record was emitted in which is what I assumed you were asking about.

With regards to your follow up, you can add a “Last” aggregate expression and then apply a column expression on this last Row in your group to get the event time column.