Headless UI x OSDK

Workshop + Slate are limiting.
The OSDK requires reimplementing stupid things like forms.

We need something that combines Workshop’s OOTB UI and application features with the power and flexibility of normal application development.

My idea - “Headless Workshop”. Drawing from https://headlessui.com/, these would be raw, unstyled components that build upon the power of the OSDK and Object Sets semantics.

That would be game-changing. There is a chasm between Foundry development and making my own application. Something like this would really help close it.

If you are interested in building on this idea and talking about it more, reach out to me - brent@silkline.ai


Hey Brent,

Hope you’re doing well!

Workshop is planning to ship a bidirectional iframe widget in the coming months that will let you embed a custom OSDK component (or arbitrary custom webpage) into Workshop and share state / data / trigger events between the the core module and the embedded component. It’ll effectively serve as a third-party custom widget option for Workshop and should help you bridge the gap between the OOTB capabilities of Workshop and the power / flexibility of building something custom via OSDK.

We’re also kicking around a few OSDK ideas similar to what you’re suggesting above, but they’re a bit less solidified and further out so nothing concrete to share there yet. Appreciate the suggestion, and safe to say we’re thinking along similar lines.



Hey Paul :slight_smile:

That’s great to hear! Would love to stay in the loop as the team works on developing this more.

Scrapping slate and enabling those in workshop would be great. or atleast enable widgets in workshop for input values. i find osdk enabled in slate cool feature but can be enhanced and more context around utilizing functions or syntax would be great

An OSDK enabled component Library for workshop widgets is a great idea

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