How can I ensure a build is aborted after a set duration?

I can see in the job spec the field maxAllowedDuration.

This appears to be able to be set with python transforms and magritte extract.

Doing one of these two things sets a value in the jobspec for maxAllowedDuration for any datasets produced.

The question is:

For job types that are not these two, is there a way to set the maxAllowedDuration field? For example, in a dataset generated by java transforms?

Editing the jobspec directly gives a permissions error.


I confirm that editing job specs directly is not a supported user workflow.

For Java, the feature is not generally available yet so there is no documentation, but it will work in a similar way by annotating the transforms method.

You can now set the build duration limit in a java transform.

See the documentation for that here:

package myproject.datasets;

import java.time.Duration;
import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset;
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row;

public final class FilterTransform {

   @MaxAllowedDuration(value = "PT2H")
   public void myComputeFunction(
           @Input("/examples/students_hair_eye_color") FoundryInput myInput,
           @Output("/examples/students_hair_eye_color_filtered") FoundryOutput myOutput) {
       Dataset<Row> inputDf = myInput.asDataFrame().read();
       myOutput.getDataFrameWriter(inputDf.filter("eye = 'Brown'")).write();
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