How do I give a user access to change 'Application access' settings in Control Panel?

I’m an admin of a dev tier enrollment. On control panel, I see this:

I have the right permissions, that I now want to grant to another user. How would I do that?

I’ve already given them enrollment admin permissions but they still see this:

It would help to add the ability to directly request permissions or make it clearer for the admin to know which permissions to grant. Thank you.

Application access is managed at the organization level.

To grant a user access to the Application access settings, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Organization permissions in Control Panel.
  2. Assign the user one of the following default roles:
    • User experience administrator
    • Organization administrator

These roles will provide the necessary permissions to access the Application access settings.

Alternatively, if you need more granular control over granted permissions, you can create custom organization roles.