How do I know which Ontology an Object Type belongs to?

I have an object, but for API calls, be able to pick it in specific UIs like core repository for importing it, etc.

I need to know which Ontology it belongs to. How can I know which Ontology a given Object Type belongs to ?

The Ontology Manager will only show ontological resources from one ontology at a time. To see the details of the ontology the object type is in, you can navigate to the Ontology Manager homepage.

On the /ontology/home/advanced page (called “Ontology Configuration” in the homepage sidebar) there’s a section that lets you copy the ontology rid or API name to the clipboard.

The question is rather the opposite: If someone give me a link to an Object Type, then I don’t know which Ontology it belongs to.

If you get a link to an object type, OMA detects which ontology it is in and (if your working state is empty) opens the correct ontology and then navigates to the requested object type.

Therefore, if you click a link to an object type and then go the homepage, you will know which ontology the object type is in.

However, I fully understand that this is very implicit and requires you to understand a little bit about how OMA works internally, so it’s not a great UX. Ideally, we would have some indication of currently selected ontology regardless of which page you are viewing.

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