How to check if a filter is "empty" in Workshop?

I want to check if a filter is “empty”, as in, the user did not select any criteria to filter on.

The reason is that I don’t want to show some part of the application until and unless the user has started to filter down the initial object set which is fairly large.

I don’t see a variable transformation that allows it.
How can I check if a filter is “empty” ?

You could set a boolean for the count of objects <threshold or check that the filtered set is smaller than the unfiltered object set.

Agree. I think my intent was to avoid making count computation on the backend and instead “just” compare the filter with something else (e.g. another filter etc.)

This is a feature request for variable transforms that we are tracking internally.

As a potentially workaround, if you know what property users will be filtering on you could use filter value extraction. By setting up some default values backed by variables, you could check those variable values to ensure that they are not yet defined.

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