I can only see a method, to get User object from UserId.
If you’re using the Users module from:
import { Users } from "@foundry/functions-api";
Then yes, there are only two methods to get it and they’re by Id.
I can think of a few alternatives:
You can use Foundry API to create an object type with all the users (API Docs) and then search on it.
{ "data": [ { "givenName": "John", "familyName": "Smith", "organization": "ri.multipass..organization.c30ee6ad-b5e4-4afe-a74f-fe4a289f2faa", "realm": "palantir-internal-realm", "attributes": { "multipass:givenName": [ "John" ], "multipass:familyName": [ "Smith" ], "multipass:email:primary": [ "jsmith@example.com" ], "multipass:realm": [ "eab0a251-ca1a-4a84-a482-200edfb8026f" ], "multipass:organization-rid": [ "ri.multipass..organization.c30ee6ad-b5e4-4afe-a74f-fe4a289f2faa" ], "department": [ "Finance" ], "jobTitle": [ "Accountant" ] }, "id": "f05f8da4-b84c-4fca-9c77-8af0b13d11de", "email": "jsmith@example.com", "username": "jsmith" } ], "nextPageToken": "v1.VGhlcmUgaXMgc28gbXVjaCBsZWZ0IHRvIGJ1aWxkIC0gcGFsYW50aXIuY29tL2NhcmVlcnMv" }
List all the users in a given group and search in Type Script
Use MP attributes in workshop if this is related somehow to the current user.
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