How to retrieve dataset's name or foundry path (instead of rid) using typescript functions repo?

I have set up an Ontology Action Object Type allowing user to select the dataset (the field is set Value Formating = Resource RID Display as Foundry resource).

Information collected is in the form of rid, how can i retrieve the dataset name or filepath using this rid, in my typescript functions repo? Thank you.

The only way Iā€™m aware of is using a Webhook.

  1. Configure a REST data connection to your own enrollment with OAuth2 authentication using a third party application.
  2. Create a webhook that uses this data connection and make a GET request to /compass/api/resources/@rid (where @rid is a parameter to the webhook)
  3. Parse the response and extract the dataset name
  4. Import the webhook into your typescript repo and call it inside an async function

Thanks for your reply. I will try this solution!