Is it possible to create functionally backed property columns using AIP logic functions app?

I am trying to write a data validation function using AIP logic that displays a string value “Perfect Match” and “Mismatch Found” in the object table as a functionally backed property of my object. how do i get my logic function to return a functions map?


Couple questions to clarify your use-case:

  1. Where is this information being displayed? My guess in is workshop as you’re looking for a FunctionMap.
  2. If so, why are you doing this in AIP Logic as opposed to Functions on Objects?
    If you’re able to use FoO & you’re trying to generate this string output for each object in an object set, your function here would look something like
public myDataValidationFunction(
    myInputs: MyObjectType[],
): FunctionsMap<MyObjectType, string> {
    let map = new FunctionMap<FunctionsMapReturnType, string>();
    myinputs.forEach(obj => {
        // Your data validation check
        if (myObj.property1 === 'This value') {
            map.set(myObj, "Perfect Match");
        } else {
            map.set(myObj, "Mismatch Found");
    return map;