Is it possible to set the dark theme on Workshop per user preference?

Some users wants to have a dark theme for their workshop application. I know it is possible to click a button to change the theme, but is it possible to do this automatically ?

For instance, storying the user preference in an object and loading this preference on load of the app ?

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Hey @VincentF this isn’t currently supported at the moment but I’ve added a +1 to our internal ticket tracking this.

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@mskrobola You can add another one form me as well. That function would be very appreciated.

Best regards

I usually accomplish this by adding a button group in Workshop and set one of its button’s event to “Toggle between light and dark mode”

Now, in order to store the user’s preference

(Disclaimer: This is not a first class functionality)

The light/dark mode applies globally, so you can use this in your favor when embedding another workshop to your current application.

You can route to different tabs containing different versions of the app based on an ontology object type boolean variable.

If X user has is as True, you then route to (pre-configured) the dark mode workshop, if not to an equivalent workshop in light mode.

So, the external workshop, has a page routing to select one of 2 hidden tabs, light and dark, each embeds a version of the workshop in different modes.
Alternative: an interface variable is also exposed and completed with the user’s preference.

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