Load a layer with millions of polygons in Foundry

Hi everyone!

I’m trying to load a file with over 2 million polygons onto a Foundry map, but when I load it, only a portion of the dataset is visible on the map. Is there a way to make Foundry display all the records at once?

Thanks in advance!


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Hi @jesicaamigo ,

Please enable this:

to be able to display more than 20K polygons.


  • Try as much as possible to limit the # of polygon on screen at any time, we accomplished this by restricting the view to a specific sector.
  • Play with the zoom level of the geometry to make them visible only at a certain zoom level so you can restrict how many are displayed on screen at once.

Be careful that, something we found is that if you enable: high scale rendering, selections might not work as expected.



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