Loading existing scenarios in Scenario Manager not working

I’m attempting to load existing scenarios to display them in Scenario Manager widget in Workshop following the steps in documentation.

However, my Object-backed scenarios (array) variable is not populating as I would expect. As visible in the screenshot, the object set variable contains 4 objects, but the array loads 0 scenarios.

The starting object set I’m using is the object type that implements my scenarios (ie. has id/title properties with required type classes as described in this tutorial).

Is this a bug or is there something wrong with my setup?

Turned out it was my mistake. I missed the type class on create scenario action (in tutorial initially ID is set up as “unique identifier” which is what i’ve done, but later it gets changed to String type with correct type class).

BLAB: Type classes on action parameters are just as important as on object parameters. Make sure to set up all of them! :slight_smile: