Logic function not executable from typescript function with weird permissioning


I am trying to call a typescript function via an action using an OSDK frontend. I’ve added to this OSDK app the action. However, I am having some issues! Specifically, my typescript function calls a logic function and gives the following error:

    "errorCode": "INVALID_ARGUMENT",
    "errorName": "FunctionExecutionFailed",
    "errorInstanceId": "5168b599-5ad3-44e2-b4a9-c1ddce08a051",
    "parameters": {
        "functionRid": "ri.function-registry.main.function.4f6eba3c-f7cd-4678-8174-ca6dbda8bdd7",
        "functionVersion": "0.0.14",
        "message": "Logic function not executable",
        "stacktrace": "Optional.empty"

However, I have added this very logic function to my application and can, in fact, run it!

Here’s the code on the backend:

    public async determineControlStatusFromDocumentChunks(clientControlId: string): Promise<void> {
        const clientControls = Objects.search()
            .filter(clientControl => clientControl.clientControlId.exactMatch(clientControlId))
        if (!clientControls || clientControls.length === 0) {
            throw new Error("Could not find client control.");
        const clientControl = clientControls[0];

        const clientId = clientControl.clientId;
        if (!clientId) {
            throw new Error("Client ID is missing from client control.");

        const relatedControlId = clientControl.controlId;
        if (!relatedControlId) {
            throw new Error("Control ID is missing from client control.");
        const controls = Objects.search()
            .filter(control => control.controlId.exactMatch(relatedControlId))

        if (!controls || controls.length === 0) {
            throw new Error("Could not find related control.");
        const relatedControl = controls[0];

        const relatedControlDescription = relatedControl.controlDescription;
        if (!relatedControlDescription) {
            throw new Error("Control description is missing from related control.");

        const output = await Queries.documentChunksToControlEvidence({
            controlDescription: relatedControlDescription,
            clientId: clientId

        if (!output) {
            throw new Error("Document chunks to control evidence query returned no results.");

        const controlStatus = output.categoryOfEvidence;
        if (!controlStatus) {
            throw new Error("Category of evidence is missing from query output.");

        const controlStatusReasoning = output.reasoningForEvidenceCategory;
        if (!controlStatusReasoning) {
            throw new Error("Reasoning for evidence category is missing from query output.");

        // Extract document chunk IDs from the reasoning
        const extractDocumentChunkIds = (text: string): string[] => {
            const regex = /documentChunkId:\[([^\]\s]+)\]/g;
            const matches = [...text.matchAll(regex)];
            return matches.map(match => match[1]);

        const relatedChunkIds = extractDocumentChunkIds(controlStatusReasoning);

        // Update properties
        clientControl.status = controlStatus;
        clientControl.reasoning = controlStatusReasoning;
        clientControl.relatedChunkReferences = relatedChunkIds;

Not only this, but the function also works when I test it in the repository :slight_smile:


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And here “documentChunksToControlEvidence” is the Logic function correct?

Yep that’s right! This is the logic function

Try taking a look at the ‘execution history’ tab of logic to find that failure, if it’s in the last 24 hours or you have ‘project scoped mode’ turned on, then it should show up:

I unfortunately cannot do this as the logic function cannot be under project scope and I cannot login with the user that is taking the action.