Monocle to visualise AIP architecture

I’d like to use Monocle to visualise existing AIP Agent Studio, Logic and function architecture, so that I can track how a complex AIP build is progressing/how it works.

I’m thinking about these resources as Workforce, Agents, Sub-Agents and Tools. Solution Designer already allows me to plan an AIP architecture build (AIP and AIP Logic are available components), but it would be nice to track actual in-platform resources and links between them in Monocle.

Example from Solution Designer below:


Hi @SeawardDread,

Love your solution designer approach to plan out your AIP architecture!

The data lineage application (Monocle) is designed to show how data and logic interact in sequence and flow in to your ontology, as well as actions that act on your objects and applications that use them.

With this in mind, if you publish an AIP Logic function, and consume it in an action to edit your ontology then you will be able to see it on your Monocle graph.

Let me know if you have any questions about this,

Hi @jgreensmith ,

Thanks for the swift response!

Monocle is awesome. However, there are inconsistencies in the Foundry resources/applications viewable in Monocle. For example, for a given Object Type, I can see linked Workshop Modules but not linked Quiver Analyses. I agree that while AIP Logic published as a function would be visible as an Action, this isn’t quite what I’m getting at.

As AIP continues to be a Palantir priority and agent architecture and orchestration continues to get more complex (see the latest Customer Service Engine use cases), it would be helpful to understand how AIP resources link to other resources (Ontology, datasets, function tools, Workshop usage etc) for engineering purposes, ideally with verbose Previews too.