More Powerful Data Analytics for Front End User

One of the major drawbacks to fully adopting the Foundry Platform at the business I’m in is due to data flexibility when piecing graphs together.

At current state we use JMP Statistical Software paired with an SQL Database pull to grab and graph our data.

I’m looking for functionality similar to “Graph Builder” in JMP on the Foundry Platform where the front end user can put any columns on any axis freely.

I know there is freeform analysis but doesn’t seem to be able to use multiple axis and freely drag/drop.

Here is an example of some dummy data. Columns on the top left can freely be dragged into center, top, bottom, left axis, right axis, overlay, color, size, interval, etc.

Any solutions or potential solutions are appreciated. Seems maybe Vega Charts but they are not changeable by the front end user.

Oh, this is also on our wishlist for a very long time…

On one hand, you can do contour which is expensive (live spark compute), and needs knowledge about the data model and basic table operations…
We also have a few implementations where approached this topic so that advanced chart building is available to the standard user via a graphical UI (as in JMP). However, implementing this open ended user story (design antipattern according to docs) is highly complex.

With the introduction of vega charts first in quiver and now workshop, we do have the opportunity to generate charts via functions on objects. if you want to plot any x against any y, it doctates you to store the data in long format and do the required grouping and pivoting in the function. This can become slow in the browser with many datapoints (thousands).

Alternatively, you can implement an OAuth2 client for your JMP community and access the Objects via the ODBC driver, which again is not ideal but may help to gain acceptance in the community that produces JMP-plots.
Unfortunatel, the ODBC driver in JMP does not support table exploration, so you have to use the SQL-queries from the SQL-preview in Foundry and replace the double quotes of the table names (RIDs) with back ticks `.

So yeah, having a JMP-like plotting tool an Object data would be great! Alternatively, enabling object type interfaces for funtions on objects to decouple the suggested vega workflow from distinct object types would help really well here…


Great response. Thank you for your insight.
I’m hoping to see a tool like this come to the platform as it would open new opportunities for our engineering team.

At current state JMP is used to be much more granular with hundreds of thousands of data points (sometimes in the millions). And easily swapping columns to axis’s is highly important as we need to observe the data and find failure points. The issue with workshop is we need to “premake” the graphs when in reality, we don’t know what graphs we need as they are all custom. I have not found a good solution to “replace” this yet in Foundry minus giving someone admin access and they “create graphs” in editing mode which isn’t intuitive.

But I will continue to explore Vega plots. Happy that there are new changes daily on the platform so always standing by for this one.


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